Join Richard in his exploration of "The Eonian Times" in God's Word. This subject is virtually unknown to the Christian world, but God revealed it over 2000 years ago. Modern translations have hidden it from believer's eyes, but prudent Biblical Research has now uncovered it through accurate translation of the Greek word group "aion." Find out what centuries of Christians have not had the privilege of knowing -- the plan of God revealed!
This course is based on Richard's book:Â The Purpose of God in Creation: The Consummation of All Things" which is available here:
Get God’s Purpose in Creation PDF
Richard also produced a "picture book" depicting the Eonian Times in charts. This book reveals God's plan to accomplish His purpose in creation in 47 pages! You can download it here:
Get The Eonian Time Charts PDF.
Richard recommends you read the first two books of his "Unto Perfection Series" which are available from the LiveFaith.TV/richards-books download page. God's Purpose in Creation is the third book of that series.
People who want credit for completing this course must complete the quiz at the end of each session. Those who are taking the course purely for education and enlightenment need not complete the quizzes, but we would question why anyone who wanted to learn would not!